While many students are aware that the student council assists with events like Homecoming and Spirit Week, they also assume that they arrange pep rallies and other big school events. However, this is not true. There is another group that helps organize class competitions and freshmen orientation. This group is the class officers. Students have the opportunity to apply to become a class officer until Friday.
Students who are interested can get a nomination sheet from their AEP teacher. They are required to get 10 signatures from students in their grade, three signatures from teachers, and write a paragraph about what makes them a leader, their extracurriculars and the ideas they have to make the school a better place. Forms can be submitted in room 114 until May 3 at 3:30 p.m. After the applications have been collected and gone through to make sure all requirements have been met, there will be an election where each grade level will get to vote via Google Form for who they want to represent their class.
Elections for freshmen class officers will take place next fall once the school year has started.
Becoming a class officer has many benefits for both the present and future. Students who are Class officers have the opportunity to get to know the students and staff better. Being a Class Officer also looks good on a college resume.
“Officers also enjoy picking the competitions during pep rallies,” class officer sponsor Shea Miller said.
Class officers perform duties to help organize and run important events like pep rallies, parent-teacher conferences, freshmen orientation and class competitions.
Junior and senior class officers hold more responsibilities as well by picking the class flower, motto, song and more for graduation.
“Class officers are a group of students who are leaders in their grade,” sophomore Natalie Kraaz said.
Class officers also have a duty to uphold positive relationships with the students and staff at the school. Not only do the class officers have to assist with school functions, but they must be available for things like meetings before or after school and emails from Miller.
The current junior class officers are Lily Matya, Nina Dzingle, Cadence Dobberstein and Molly Mason. The sophomore class officers are Natalie Kraaz, Adelaide Horst, Jada Randecker and Fatma Suliman. There are currently no freshman class officers.