Madeline Petrick
Because there are no seniors, the tradition of voting for them to be honored on a homecoming court, will not happen at the Sept. 29 homecoming. Instead, students of all grades will be able to apply to be a Griffin Spirit Leader.
There will be nine students who are awarded the title of Griffin Spirit Leader, three per grade.
“So there won’t necessarily be a crowning, we’re getting away from the monarchy. But there will be a ranking system within each grade,” activities director Ryan Garder said.
Administration created a formula using points to determine who will be honored. Students will earn points in three categories: Initial form information, a student vote and Spirit Week participation.
Then the students will be ranked first, second and third for each grade level.
“The students have done an awesome job of incorporating school spirit and we’ve only been open for a month,” Garder said. “How do we incorporate that into homecoming? That was the question that we asked and so this is where we landed.”
Although this is effectively replacing a traditional homecoming court, the Griffin Spirt Leaders will be announced before homecoming, rather than having a ceremony at the football game or dance.
“I plan to bring them down maybe during sixth or seventh hour on Friday, the day of the homecoming,” Garder said.
Despite not having a ceremony, those honored students will be featured in a video shown at the homecoming football game.
“I think it allows the opportunity for more students to be represented,” student council sponsor Sierra Arnold said. “It’s not like your traditional court, it’s an honoring of involved Griffins.”
Sophomore Kristin Tuff is in favor of the idea.
“I like that especially because we don’t have seniors, and it would make it more fair for everyone to win,” Tuff said.
After the football game and the video featuring the Griffin Spirit Leaders is shown, the homecoming dance will take place in the GEHS commons from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
“We’re really excited to have it in the commons,” Garder said. “I think the space itself is actually really cool for a dance.”
The theme of the homecoming dance was decided by Student Council as “Griffin Gala.” The dress code has also been decided as semi-formal by administration.
“The way we described is no jeans, no shorts, no leggings,” Garder said. “Guys, they would need dress slacks, a button-up shirt that kind of thing. That’s that’s what we envision.”
More details to come from administration and Student Council in coming days.