Laci Smith
Taking a knee, senior Grayson Fisher is comforted by seniors Joseph Costanzo and captain Carter Lightwine in the endzone after taking a hard hit in the last play of the Bennington game on Sept. 6.
The silence of the stadium echoes loudly as the clock hits zero. Win or lose, the varsity football team, like many other sports teams, ends the competition, greeting their opponents in a handshake line, their captains leading the way. With their heads held high after a win, or down in defeat, after the handshake, the team always joins Head Coach Justin Haberman and the rest of the coaching staff in the endzone for a post-game speech. That is when the team’s bond and the leadership of its four captains, seniors Grayson Fisher, Luke Johnson, Carter Lightwine and junior Jonathan Rodriguez, shines.
Before, during and after Haberman’s and the coaches’ speeches, the captains collectively acknowledge their teammates, with a pat on the back, quiet reassuring words or even a celebratory chest or fist bump. Watching from the stands, these captains’ gestures of leadership and support are a powerful display of unity.
At the end of July, during their end-of-preseason banquet, the four were voted on by their teammates based on their qualities and performance in the offseason.
“It’s really important that the kids choose the leadership that directs the program they’re playing for,” Haberman said. “When it comes down to it, it’s the kids’ program. They represent Gretna East.”
According to Habberman, the results of the vote were unanimous, just like they were last year. However, this year, the team decided to not just vote for Fisher and Johnson as returning captains but to vote in Lightwine and Rodriguez to help them lead the team.
“I specifically chose the captains this year because they were the best people that could lead a team and keep everyone’s heads up no matter what,” running back and linebacker, junior Connor Sams said.
Building on the foundation of strong leadership, the captains emphasize the importance of setting an example for the future Griffins.
“Our saying is ‘brick by brick,’ so I want to build a good foundation for the underclassmen to be good leaders,” Johnson said. “As the years go on, I want them to mock what we do by being good players on and off the field.”
Bricks are heavy, and the captains have carried those weights as they have led their team through difficult times such as starting the season with three consecutive losses: Seward (41-24) Bennington (21-7) and Elkhorn (21-0).
“Challenges are always there,” Haberman said. “Class B is stacked from top to bottom with talent. There will always be challenges that come up and we’re going to have to face adversity.”
However, with their coaches and captains pushing them and encouraging them, the boys’ loss streak ended on Sept. 20 against Lincoln Standing Bear (61-0) and has since turned into a winning streak with wins against Plattsmouth (41-6) and Platteview (54-0) the past two weeks.
The team credits the captains’ support for unifying the team and building a strong bond and brotherhood to help them grow and become stronger.
“I just want them [the captains] to know that I really appreciate them for having my back,” Sams said, “and I want them to know that I have their backs no matter what.”
With the Homecoming game tonight against Ralston, who is also 3-3, the captains have their sights set on battling for their fourth win to keep their streak alive.
“I plan to keep the energy positive and keep everyone locked in the game,” Fisher said. “We’ve been playing good recently so it’s time to come out and do our thing.”